tssz 发表于 2019-11-17 15:59:25

docker UI 老是安装不上,科学上网也不行

Registry Mirrors里填 的网址 有什么好的推荐吗?

brightforce 发表于 2019-11-17 18:48:32

谢谢分享 ,学习下

隔壁老李 发表于 2019-11-17 21:24:31


gengming 发表于 2019-11-18 12:18:33


隔壁老李 发表于 2019-11-18 15:47:42

daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'nmbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'nmbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'nmbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
ERROR: smbd is already running. File /var/run/samba/smbd.pid exists and process id 1569 is running.
ERROR: nmbd is already running. File /var/run/samba/nmbd.pid exists and process id 1574 is running.
daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'nmbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'nmbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections

风仔之家 发表于 2019-11-18 23:33:34


hiber 发表于 2019-11-20 00:41:08

ssh下lenovopoweroff halt不好用,halt关机了,这个是不是就相当于在小钢炮里面点关机,然后把电源拔了?小钢炮里面点完关机硬盘依旧在转,插座功耗8W,等10多分钟还是这样,只能拔电源。

Ride_Wind 发表于 2019-11-20 08:23:55

hiber 发表于 2019-11-20 00:41
ssh下lenovopoweroff halt不好用,halt关机了,这个是不是就相当于在小钢炮里面点关机,然后把电源拔了?小 ...


hiber 发表于 2019-11-20 14:59:32

Ride_Wind 发表于 2019-11-20 08:23

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查看完整版本: 我家云,粒子云可用内置硬盘的小钢炮