本帖最后由 wenday 于 2019-12-25 00:50 编辑 / X# ~& |0 Z7 _, T+ q
: M7 [+ y) ~) h2 [" Y修改群晖root密码过程: WendayNas login: wenday //以网站管理密码登录 Password: xxxxxx wenday@WendayNas:~$ sudo -i We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type. #3) With great power comes great responsibility. Password: xxxxxx //还是网站管理的密码 修改密码命令: root@WendayNas:~# synouser --setpw root password //修改密码 password,就是要修改成的密码. wenday@WendayNas:~$ logout [ 6356.844709] init: tty main process ended, respawning WendayNas login: root Password: password //修改后的密码 root@WendayNas:~# 修改完成! |